SpouseCaterno 'Catherine' 'Caterina' (Theodoris) Ralli
Birth20 Jun 1812, Chios, Greece/Hellenes
MemoRalli family tree says 1814.
Death12 Sep 1903, Athens, Greece/Hellenes
Residence1881, 72 Westbourne Terrace, Bayswater, London, England
Note 1(Chaviara-Pitta) Her father was hanged in Constantinople. She escaped Chios aged 11 or 12, settled in Marseilles and presumably moved to Athens some time after the death of her husband to live with her son Theodore.
Note 2A group photograph shows her with her daughter-in-law Despina Vlasto (née Ralli) and her 2nd cousin Ioulia ‘Julia-Eliza’ (Pandia) Pallis (née Ralli). The child portrayed with her in a portrait may be either Theophanie or Theodore.
Flags***, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Galati, Giustiniani Pi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Ralli (Chaviara), Rodocanachi
FatherTheodoris Eustratius (Strati) Ralli + (1770-1822)
MotherMarouko (Stephanos) Galati (?-1861)