Annales Anglo-Normandes & Nord-Atlantiques
- Jean-Baptiste AUZEL (Directeur des Archives Départementales de La Manche)
- Stéphane LAINE (Linguiste. Spécialiste de dialectologie normande/jerriais)
- Domnine PLUME (Ethnologue. Chargée des archives sonores aux archives départementales de la Manche: spécialiste du parler normand)
- Laurence JEAN-MARIE (Échanges commerciaux au XIIe-XIIIe siècles)
- Nicolas ABRAHAM (Archiviste. Échanges entre les Îles et le Cotentin aux XIVe et XVe siècle)
- Jé́rome JAMBU (Conservateur au cabinet des médailles à la BnF. La circulation moné́taire entre les Îles et la Normandie aux XVIe-XVIIIe siècle)
- Paul MANEUVRIER-HERVIEU (Étudiant PhD. Les ré́voltes frumentaires entre Jersey et la Normandie au XVIIIe siècle)
- Pays d’Art et d’Histoire du Clos du Cotentin
- Centre de Recherches en Archéologie et Histoire Médiévale de l’Université de Caen
- Rédaction d'Histoire & Sociétés Rurales
- Office Universitaire d'Études Normandes
- Groupe de Recherches Archéologiques du Cotentin
- Société des Antiquaires de Normandie
- Société d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de la Manche
In September 2016 a very successful conference took place in Jersey, hosted by the Société Jersiaise and attended by speakers from Normandy, the Channel Islands and the UK. Clearly, many of the participants hoped that there might be further opportunities for historians and archaeologists to meet on a regular basis and to share knowledge and experience of common interest.
Christopher Long decided to try to establish a basis for future cooperation by acting as an intermediary between Jersey and Normandy in the creation of AANNA.
On 14 December 2016, at an informal gathering of historians at the University of Caen, it was agreed that a society might be created to achieve the following:
- To establish a permanent cooperative relationship with the Channel Islands through the Société Jersiaise.
- To establish a regular biennial 2-3 day conference (2018, 2020, etc) to be hosted by standing members of the group, with speakers selected by both Jersey and Normandy to cover a broad spectrum of subjects concerning Anglo-Norman and wider studies, implicating Normandy, the Channel Islands and the British Isles, open initially to members from Jersey and Normandy.
- To establish a regular biennial 2-3 day field trip (2017, 2019, etc) to be hosted by members of the group, with subjects and locations on the French mainland and the Channel Islands selected by both Jersey and Normandy, again to cover a broad spectrum of historical and archaeological subjects, open to members from Jersey and Normandy.
- To establish a website that would keep all members in France and the Channel Islands informed of events, conferences, visits, publications and useful news. The site would also provide a repository for papers. To keep the administrative burden to a minimum, the two sides would maximise the potential of the website and electronic communication.
- To reduce costs, travelling visitors would make their own arrangements for board and lodging, although invited speakers would normally be the private guests of friends or organisers in the host country.
- To encourage young historians and archaeologists, promising students (PhD, etc) would be given the opportunity to outline progress in their current projects.
- Despite the language 'barrier', close and easy French/English communication already exists. With bilingual members, we do not believe this needs to be a problem.
- Where appropriate, to foster similar relationships with historians and archaeologists along the North Atlantic trade, invasion and migration corridors in north-west Europe.
- On 14 December 2016 at a meeting at Caen University, Christophe Maneuvrier, Elisabeth Ridel and Christopher Long agreed that the proposals provided a basis for development.
- On 15 December 2016, the Jersey historian Robert Waterhouse stated that these proposals had his support. Part of his work as the Société's Field Archaeologist is to create and foster cooperative relationships with neighbouring countries and associations and this meets his brief.
- On 04 January 2017 Julien Deshayes gave his enthusiastic support to the project.
- On 13 January 2017 Colin Perchard CVO, OBE, president of the Société Jersiaise, said his committee had given "a warm and enthusiastic welcome to the proposed AANNA Project".
- On 14 January 2017 Dominique Béneult said he was keen to contribute to the project.
Future action
- Christophe Maneuvrier is exploring the possibility of creating an association in connection with the University of Caen and has invited Robert Waterhouse, Julien Deshayes and Christopher Long to the University of Caen on 19 January 2017, to discuss the proposed association.
- Robert Waterhouse having reported the formal and enthusiastic response of the Société Jersiaise in early January would now represent its views as a committee member of AANNA.
- Christopher Long will coordinate, help, translate, grease wheels, etc.
Pays d’art et d’histoire du Clos du Cotentin: 26 janvier 2017 à l’hôtel Dieu de Valognes Les prieurés du Cotentin
Julien DESHAYES (Cotentin & Manche):
- Eglise Saint-Pair de Digulleville, la tour de clocher préromane (2014)
Christopher LONG (Manche & Calvados):
- Artisan Iron Working In The Valleys Of The River Vire (2016)
Dominique BÉNEULT (Cotentin):
- La Vogue Du Marbre de Purbeck en Normandie aux XIIe et XIIIe Siècles (2015)
Christophe MANEUVRIER (UniCaen):
John McCORMACK (Guernsey):
- Éculleville Church (English version)
- Église d'Éculleville (Version Française)
Élisabeth RIDEL (UniCaen):
- Viking Maritime Heritage in Normandy from a British Isles Perspective (2000)
- Sur la route des Vikings : les îles Anglo-Normandes entre Bretagne et Normandie (2005)
- Anciens peuplements littoraux et relations Homme/Milieu sur les côtes de l’Europe atlantique (2013)
- Des textes de marine en dialecte normand du Xlle siècle : une source pour l’histoire de la navigation au Moyen Âge dans le nord de la France (2013)
- Langues et identités dans les établissements vikings d’Europe de l’Ouest (2014)
Robert WATERHOUSE (Jersey):
- A Medieval Sculpture From Mont Orgueil, Jersey
- A Quaternary Marine Gully Near Gorey, Jersey
- Archaeology Of St Clement Priory
- Société Jersiaise: Bulletin pp. 94-111
- Le Catillon Coin Hoards 2012
- Tudor Bronze Guns Of The Channel Islands
© (2016) L'Association Annales Anglo-Normandes et Nord-Atlantiques (loi 1901)
Christopher Long